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PANEDENI – Live World Music – Llangollen Fringe

July 12 @ 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm

Llangollen is Invited to a A FREE Evening of Music and Dance from Eastern Europe & the Middle East!
(Scroll down for Welsh)
To reserve your free ticket click here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/910370000177…
To reserve a table at the event email andrew@gales.wine

On Friday July 12th, visitors to Gales Wine Bar will be taken on an unforgettable musical journey mixes Middle Eastern influences with English and Welsh, showcasing a multicultural mix of original music.
Starting at 6pm, the Gales stage will be graced by three acts showcasing a vast range of musical talent, cultural backgrounds and influences from around the globe. Tim Eastwood will be on this evening be playing Welsh, borders and Breton folk music from the mediaeval to the modern on Welsh bagpipes. Tim takes inspiration from Welsh tradition and his own experience as a folk and jazz multi-instrumentalist.
Bakhita is a trio made up of Joëlle Barker, Katie Stevens and Sam Slater. Expect Haunting sax, irresistible rhythms, atmospheric ney and clarinet and complex melodies on the oud. Bakhita play music from ancient to modern Cairo and the middle East. Expect some sensual and exciting ‘Baladi’ Classics, iconic pieces from Adel Waheb and the more reflective compositions of Anouar Brahem. All bought together with their unique, individual flair virtuosic soloing and a story all of their own.
Panedeni headline the night and will see all of the nights artists taking the stage together behind Singer & Songwriter Yasmine Latkowski (whose composition work can be heard in Channel 4’s Come Dine With Me, BBC Africa Eye and BBC2 Art of Persia) in a truly exciting new musical venture that showcases a mix of Middle Eastern, Welsh and English folk music born of a collaboration between amazing individuals from diverse backgrounds.
“This event is about expanding horizons and crossing cultural borders, blurring the lines between the Eastern and Western folk music that we want to share and celebrate. We want to bring people together through music and dance. Everybody will be made to feel welcome.”
This event forms part of the Llangollen Fringe Festival programme and is supported by the Arts Council of Wales.
The full schedule for the event is:
● 6pm: Doors Open
● 6:30-7:00pm: Tim Eastwood Solo Performance
● 7:30-8:00pm: Bakhita Trio Performance
● 8:30-9:30pm: Panedeni Full Band Performance

Panedeni yng Ngŵyl Llangollen Fringe
Gwahoddir Llangollen i Noson o Gerddoriaeth a Dawns AM DDIM o Ddwyrain Ewrop a’r Dwyrain Canol!
I archebu eich tocyn am ddim cliciwch yma:
Ddydd Gwener Gorffennaf 12fed, bydd ymwelwyr â Gales Wine Bar yn mynd ar daith gerddorol fythgofiadwy sy’n cymysgu dylanwadau’r Dwyrain Canol â’r Saesneg a’r Gymraeg, gan arddangos cymysgedd amlddiwylliannol o gerddoriaeth wreiddiol.
Gan ddechrau am 6pm, bydd tair act ar lwyfan Gales yn arddangos ystod eang o dalent gerddorol, cefndiroedd diwylliannol a dylanwadau o bedwar ban byd. Bydd Tim Eastwood ymlaen heno yn chwarae cerddoriaeth werin Gymreig, y gororau a Llydaweg o’r canol oesoedd i’r modern ar bagbibau Cymreig. Mae Tim yn cael ei ysbrydoli gan draddodiad Cymreig a’i brofiad ei hun fel aml-offerynnwr gwerin a jazz.
Triawd yw Bakhita sy’n cynnwys Joëlle Barker, Katie Stevens a Sam Slater. Disgwyliwch sacs cyffrous, rhythmau anorchfygol, ney atmosfferig a chlarinét ac alawon cymhleth ar yr oud. Mae Bakhita yn chwarae cerddoriaeth o Cairo hynafol i fodern a’r Dwyrain canol. Disgwyliwch ambell glasur ‘Baladi’ synhwyrus a chyffrous, darnau eiconig gan Adel Waheb a chyfansoddiadau mwy myfyriol Anouar Brahem. Daeth y cyfan ynghyd â’u hunawd rhinweddol dawn unigryw a stori eu hunain.
Bydd Panedeni yn arwain y noson a bydd yn gweld yr holl artistiaid nos yn cymryd y llwyfan gyda’i gilydd y tu ôl i’r Canwr a’r Cyfansoddwr Yasmine Latkowski (y mae eu gwaith cyfansoddi i’w glywed yn Come Dine With Me Channel 4, BBC Africa Eye a BBC2 Art of Persia) mewn sioe gyffrous iawn. menter gerddorol newydd sy’n arddangos cymysgedd o gerddoriaeth werin o’r Dwyrain Canol, Cymreig a Saesneg yn deillio o gydweithrediad rhwng unigolion anhygoel o gefndiroedd amrywiol.
“Mae’r digwyddiad hwn yn ymwneud ag ehangu gorwelion a chroesi ffiniau diwylliannol, gan gymylu’r llinellau rhwng y gerddoriaeth werin Ddwyreiniol a Gorllewinol yr ydym am ei rhannu a’i dathlu. Rydyn ni eisiau dod â phobl at ei gilydd trwy gerddoriaeth a dawns. Bydd pawb yn cael croeso.”
Mae’r digwyddiad hwn yn rhan o raglen Gŵyl Llangollen Fringe ac fe’i cefnogir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.
Yr amserlen lawn ar gyfer y digwyddiad yw:

● 6pm: Drysau’n Agored
● 6:30-7:00pm: Perfformiad Unigol Tim Eastwood
● 7:30-8:00pm: Perfformiad Triawd Bakhita
● 8:30-9:30pm: Perfformiad Band Llawn Panedeni


July 12
6:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Event Category:


Gales Wine Bar
Llangollen, Denbighshire LL20 8PF United Kingdom
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